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Chewing Pumps Bacteria into the Blood

Friday, February 27, 2009

Chewing Pumps Bacteria Into the Blood

I recently came across an interesting study done in 2002. The study looked at chewing and levels of bacteria in the blood.

First, an some information about gum disease.

Periodontal disease (gum disease) is a bacterial infection that goes deep under the gums surrounding your teeth. The gums and bone around your teeth are fed by thousands of tiny blood vessels. Your periodontal bacteria goes into these capillaries and throughout your body.

This infectious bacteria adds to deposits on the blood vessel walls and can generally lower your immune system. It can also promote infections in other parts of your body. Research has found that patients with untreated periodontal disease are more likely to have other medical problems as well.

The 2002 study looked at 67 patients. Researchers found that 6% of periodontal patients had active toxins in their blood before chewing and 24% had active toxins in their blood after chewing. This put four times more harmful bacteria in the blood.

The more plaque and calculus that builds up around the teeth the worse it gets. The gum tissue lining periodontal pockets becomes ulcerated and allows these bacteria and toxins into the blood stream through the ulcers.

As more time passes between dental cleanings the buildup gets worse and the invasion of these harmful bacteria and toxins into the blood gets worse as well.

Having healthy gums, good oral hygiene and professional dental cleanings at the proper interval are your best defense.

To learn about treating gum disease with a laser visit